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Math functions

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Image: Artturi Jalli/unsplash
8 minutes  

A collection of functions for performing advanced mathematic operations.

The matrix functions enable you to do more advanced calculations in the three dimensional space. Take a look at the examples to see it in action.

These functions are processed entirely on PLC side – there is no interaction with the robot controller.

Library components

Data types
MLxMatrixData type for a 4x4 transformation matrix.
MLxCalcChildUserFrameCalculate the user frame data (in WORLD) for a child user frame which is defined on a parent user frame.
MLxUserFrameToCoordFrameConvert the three taught points (ORG/XX/XY) of a user frame to a CoordFrame (X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz).
MLxxATAN2Perform a standard two argument arctangent method (ATAN2). The result is in radians.
MLxxCartesianToMatrixConvert a cartesian position into a 4x4 transformation matrix.
MLxxMatrixInverseCalculate the inverse of a 4x4 transformation matrix.
MLxxMatrixMultiplyMultiply two 4x4 transformation matrices.
MLxxMatrixToCartesianConvert a 4x4 transformation matrix into a cartesian position.
MLxxUserFrameToMatrixConvert a user frame to a 4x4 transformation matrix.


1) Actual position in user frame [n]

This example demonstrates the use of matrix calculations to get the robot’s actual TCP position in whatever user frame.

Some use cases are visualization/HMI, monitoring and calculations. This calculation is done purely on PLC-side. It uses the actual TCP position in WORLD and the user frame data stored in the aUserFrames array. This has a few advantages:

  • actual position reading independent of the active user frame
  • faster position updates (actual TCP position reading no longer needs to alternate between WORLD and the active user frame)

Functions used for this calculation:

User frames

The following six user frames are defined:

User frame [0] is equal to WORLD and not shown here.

User frame [1]
User frame [2]
User frame [3]
User frame [4]
User frame [5]

Work flow

By setting the user frame selection n (range: 0-5) the actual TCP world position gets transformed into the selected user frame:


state "Collection of user frames" as U1
U1 : get data of the selected user frame

state "MLxxUserFrameToMatrix()" as UM1
UM1 : convert to matrix

state "MLxxMatrixInverse()" as MI1
MI1 : invert the matrix

state "MceActualPositions" as TCPW
TCPW : get TCP position in WORLD

state "MLxxCartesianToMatrix()" as CM1
CM1 : convert to matrix

state "MLxxMatrixMultiply()" as MM1
MM1 : multiply the matrices

state "MLxxMatrixToCartesian()" as MC1
MC1 : convert to cartesian

state "result" as TCPU
TCPU:  TCP position in the selected user frame

U1 --> UM1 : stUFn
UM1 --> MI1 : stUFnMatrix
MI1 --> MM1 : stUFnMatrixInv

TCPW --> CM1 : aTcpWorld
CM1 --> MM1 : stTcpWorldMatrix

MM1 --> MC1 : stTcpUFnMatrix
MC1 --> TCPU : aTcpUFn

Source code

  n : SINT; (*user frame selection*)
  stUFn : MLxAppDataUserFrame;
  aUserFrames : ARRAY[0..5] OF MLxAppDataUserFrame; (*collection of user frames*)
  aTcpWorld : ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL; (*actual TCP position in WORLD [X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz]*)
  aTcpUFn : ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL; (*actual TCP position in user frame n [X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz]*)
  stTcpWorldMatrix : MLxMatrix;
  stUFnMatrix : MLxMatrix;
  stUFnMatrixInv : MLxMatrix;
  stTcpUFnMatrix : MLxMatrix;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// calculate actual TCP position in user frame [n]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// limit to array bounds
n := LIMIT(0, n, 5);

// -------------------------------------
// Settings
// -------------------------------------
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[0] := 0; // X
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[1] := 0; // Y
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[2] := 0; // Z
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[3] := 0; // Rx
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[4] := 0; // Ry
aUserFrames[0].CoordFrame[5] := 0; // Rz

aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[0] := 1000;
aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[1] := -1000;
aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[2] := 500;
aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[3] := 0;
aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[4] := 0;
aUserFrames[1].CoordFrame[5] := 0;

aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[0] := 1000;
aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[1] := -500;
aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[2] := 500;
aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[3] := 0;
aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[4] := 0;
aUserFrames[2].CoordFrame[5] := 45;

aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[0] := 1000;
aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[1] := 0;
aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[2] := 500;
aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[3] := 0;
aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[4] := 45;
aUserFrames[3].CoordFrame[5] := 0;

aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[0] := 1000;
aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[1] := 500;
aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[2] := 500;
aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[3] := 45;
aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[4] := 0;
aUserFrames[4].CoordFrame[5] := 0;

aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[0] := 1000;
aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[1] := 1000;
aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[2] := 500;
aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[3] := 45;
aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[4] := 45;
aUserFrames[5].CoordFrame[5] := 45;

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: user frame [n]
// -------------------------------------
stUFn := aUserFrames[n];

  UserFrame := stUFn,
  Result := stUFnMatrix);

  Matrix := stUFnMatrix,
  Result := stUFnMatrixInv);

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: TCP in WORLD
// -------------------------------------
aTcpWorld := ... .aWorld; // see MceActualPositions

  TCPPosition := aTcpWorld,
  Result := stTcpWorldMatrix);

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: TCP in user frame [n]
// -------------------------------------
  Matrix1 := stUFnMatrixInv,
  Matrix2 := stTcpWorldMatrix,
  Result := stTcpUFnMatrix);

// -------------------------------------
// TCP position in user frame [n]
// -------------------------------------
  Matrix := stTcpUFnMatrix,
  Result := aTcpUFn);

// aTcpUFn now contains the TCP position in the selected user frame

2) Tool calibration tip to TCP

This example demonstrates the use of matrix calculations to calculate the TCP data for a gripper that was calibrated using a calibration tip.

The tool in our example has two grippers, mounted in a 90 degree angle. Each gripper has its own tool data which includes the TCP offsets.

TCP offsets are measured from the robot flange. When all offsets are set to zero the TCP will be directly at the flange.

Example tool with two grippers

The TCP offsets can be determined by doing a tool calibration (see MLxRobotCalcToolCalibCalculate tool offset and orientation from 5 taught positions.).

Usually a special calibration tip is mounted to teach the calibration positions very precisely. However, the resulting tool offsets are then for the calibration tip and not for the desired gripper. Luckily we can use some matrix calculations to calculate the tool offsets for the gripper. For this we need:

  • The tool offsets from the calibration
  • The offset information (e.g. from CAD) from the desired gripper to the calibration tip

We will calculate the gripper TCP for two scenarios:

Scenario 1 (easy):

Calibration tip mounted in gripper

Scenario 2 (more complex):

Calibration tip mounted elsewhere

By using matrix calculations we can solve both scenarios with the same logic.

Functions used for this calculation:


The following four TCPs are defined:

Gripper 2 is similar to gripper 1 and not shown here.

1) Flange:

TCP at flange

2) Gripper 1:

Desired TCP for gripper 1

3) Calibration tip (scenario 1):

TCP at calibration tip mounted in gripper

4) Calibration tip (scenario 2):

TCP at calibration tip mounted elsewhere

Work flow


state "TCP calibration tip" as T3
T3 : get data from calibration

state "Calibration tip offset" as O1
O1 : get offset gripper to tip from CAD

state "result" as T1
T1 : TCP data of the gripper

state "MLxxCartesianToMatrix()" as CM1
CM1: convert to matrix

state "MLxxCartesianToMatrix()" as CM2
CM2: convert to matrix

state "MLxxMatrixInverse()" as MI1
MI1: invert the matrix

state "MLxxMatrixMultiply()" as MM1
MM1: multiply the matrices

state "MLxxMatrixToCartesian()" as MC1
MC1: convert to cartesian

O1 --> CM2 : aTipOffset
CM2 --> MI1 : stTipOffsetMatrix
MI1 --> MM1 : stTipOffsetMatrixInv

T3 --> CM1 : aTipTcp
CM1 --> MM1 : stTipTcpMatrix

MM1 --> MC1 : stGripperTcpMatrix
MC1 --> T1 : aGripperTcp

Source code

  nScenario : SINT; (*scenario selection (1=calibration tip mounted in gripper, 2=calibration tip mounted elsewhere)*)
  aTipTcp : ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL; (*TCP calibration tip (from tool calibration) [X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz]*)
  aTipOffset : ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL; (*offset from gripper to calibration tip (from CAD) [X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz]*)
  aGripperTcp : ARRAY[0..5] OF REAL; (*TCP for the desired gripper [X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz]*)
  stTipTcpMatrix : MLxMatrix;
  stTipOffsetMatrix : MLxMatrix;
  stTipOffsetMatrixInv : MLxMatrix;
  stGripperTcpMatrix : MLxMatrix;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the Tool data for a gripper after it was calibrated
// using a calibration tip
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------------
// Settings
// - aTipTcp: TCP calibration tip (from tool calibration)
// - aTipOffset : offset from gripper to calibration tip (from CAD)
// -------------------------------------

CASE nScenario OF
  // scenario 1: calibration tip mounted in gripper
  aTipTcp[0] := 0; // X
  aTipTcp[1] := 173.74; // Y
  aTipTcp[2] := 203.74; // Z
  aTipTcp[3] := -45; // Rx
  aTipTcp[4] := 0; // Ry
  aTipTcp[5] := 0; // Rz

  aTipOffset[0] := 0;
  aTipOffset[1] := 0;
  aTipOffset[2] := 170;
  aTipOffset[3] := 0;
  aTipOffset[4] := 0;
  aTipOffset[5] := 0;

  // scenario 2: calibration tip mounted elsewhere
  aTipTcp[0] := 20;
  aTipTcp[1] := 124.25;
  aTipTcp[2] := 182.53;
  aTipTcp[3] := -45;
  aTipTcp[4] := 0;
  aTipTcp[5] := 0;

  aTipOffset[0] := 20;
  aTipOffset[1] := -20;
  aTipOffset[2] := 120;
  aTipOffset[3] := 0;
  aTipOffset[4] := 0;
  aTipOffset[5] := 0;

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: calibration tip
// -------------------------------------
  TCPPosition := aTipTcp,
  Result := stTipTcpMatrix);

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: vector from gripper to calibration tip
// -------------------------------------
  TCPPosition := aTipOffset,
  Result := stTipOffsetMatrix);

  Matrix := stTipOffsetMatrix,
  Result := stTipOffsetMatrixInv);

// -------------------------------------
// transformation matrix: gripper
// -------------------------------------
  Matrix1 := stTipTcpMatrix,
  Matrix2 := stTipOffsetMatrixInv,
  Result := stGripperTcpMatrix);

// -------------------------------------
// TCP: gripper
// -------------------------------------
  Matrix := stGripperTcpMatrix,
  Result := aGripperTcp);

// aGripperTcp can now be copied to the gripper tool data e.g.
// Tools[1].ToolOffset := aGripperTcp;

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